Thursday, August 05, 2004

I’ve been meaning to say this for a while…

I think I’m finally starting to understand how much of a public forum a blog actually is. This is a place where I log my personal thoughts in an attempt to play with words, vent, act like a clown, laugh, and find like-minded individuals who might just feel the same way as I do. Just like anything else in life, some of my thoughts and experiences I choose to share with people…some I don’t. Some of my thoughts and experiences are simply no one’s business but my own. I try to keep the subject matter based around me and when I talk about someone else it is in a way that their identity will remain safe. (Unless they are someone already in the public spotlight or I just really dislike them) Some will enjoy my stories and daily happenings and look at them as pure entertainment. Some will read and see it as an exact reflection of my life…believe me this is just a small window you’re looking through. Others who may know me in the non-virtual world might gain some insight as to what is going on in my mind and why I behave the way I do. I realize this. However, once the door is unlocked there is an open invitation to the reader who may choose to remain anonymous and what they do with the information they read is at their discretion. I realized once I started a blog my privacy and being vulnerable to outsiders would be the trade off. There is also a certain power in remaining anonymous…however that is a power I chose to relinquish. I just couldn’t write anything real if it wasn’t coming from me. While I’m far, far, far from being perfect, I try to be the same person, whether I’m with my boys, at work, at home, or in this public forum. I’m just me and when I’m here, I’m just sharing a little piece.

Well, with that said…

…all are welcome to my blog. Enjoy.

However…if my Mom calls me and says, “Hey, I was just showing your blog to some of the girls in the office. It’s sooooo cute! Look at you and your little poems!”

….you can consider this b*tch shut down.


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