Saturday, July 10, 2004

Here’s a theory I’ve been working on…

This is based on my experiences and experiences of the people I know on a personal level.

“Women hold the power to get a man anytime she wants, while men hold the power to keep a woman as long as he wants. And both men and women seem to want the power that the other has.”

First, take a night out on the town at the local meat market for the “grown and sexy”. I believe the average woman has the power to be approached by several gentlemen, get to know a select few, and possibly get intimate with one. The power is so great that this process can happen all in a few days or all in the same night. I am confident in saying that if a woman chooses to do this she holds the power to consistently do it anytime she wants. Most women I know inherently look for relationships so they do not use this power to its full potential.

Now take the average guy in the same club. He got his best gear on, hair’s tight, got his “smell-good” on….he’s on the hunt. He has the power to possibly meet two out of the seventy-three women he approaches, maybe get a number from one, and if he’s on his best behavior for a couple of weeks she might break him off a little piece. And the chances of this all happening in the same night are slim to none. Now we’ve all had certain “experiences” where this has happened, but it’s definitely not on a consistent basis…and not anytime a guy wants. So I’m just being real. Overall most dudes do not have the power to meet many women at their discretion, never-mind find physical companionship, and are happy to leave the club having just planted a seed.

Ok, let’s say the average girl and the average guy, meet, hook-up, and down the line start a monogamous relationship.

It is now the average guy who has the power to keep this relationship as long as he chooses. As long as he keeps watering the seed that he originally planted the relationship can grow over a lifetime…..even after he’s eff’ed up. With issues like domestic abuse and infidelity with a sibling as an exception to this rule I believe that this power to keep a relationship alive supersedes being caught in a lie and messing around. I know that the ladies are saying, “Hell no, I’d leave his @ss!!!!” Yeah, well you’re another exception to the rule, but overall I’ve seen these issues become more of an obstacle or “bump in the road” than an actual deal breaker. And on top of this most men I know are inherently hunters, and even when they are in a relationship with a woman who is beautiful both inside and out those instincts kick back in. I don’t know why it happens, but it does. In turn, most men I know do not use the power of keeping a relationship alive to its full potential.

Now on the other side, I’ve seen average women in relationships and how much in love they can be with a dude. So in love that they will treat them better than his own mother did. All other men become transparent, flirtation is no longer welcome, an invisible engagement ring starts to materialize, and her man is the only person who doesn’t hear the word “no” on a daily basis. But, when the foundation for the relationship becomes unstable (mainly due to man regaining his hunter’s instincts) they do not have the power to keep this relationship alive. She can be more open with her love, more experimental with her body, more generous with her money, more tolerant of his flaws, more forgiving of his mistakes, more submissive to his complaints….but once a man decides to stop watering the seed all the woman is doing is buying time until the relationship ultimately ends. I also don’t know why this happens, but it does. Overall most women I know do not have the power to keep a relationship alive no matter how much of herself she gives to a man.

To be fair, I may be talking about one type of relationship and not all relationships in general. But, if I am to admit this it would also be fair to admit that this one type of relationship is in the majority. And I’m not saying it's right or one power is more appealing than the other, but it’s a theory based on what I see.


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