Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Jump! Jump!

Take one kindergarten talent show, twenty bandana-clad toddlers, KrisKross’ 15 minutes of fame hit “Jump”, one over ambitious Mack Daddy, an Olympics worthy vertical leap, a four foot drop, and a classmate covered landing pad…and you get the highlight of an otherwise painfully slow event.

No one was hurt. Just a little shook up.

I know…I’m going to Hell.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

All I need is five minutes to an eternity alone with him.

Everyday I get several e-mails offering solutions to improve my sexual performance, receive a never-heard-before refinancing rate, or a proposition to rock my world via webcam. *yawn* All for the low, low price of my credit card information and possibly my identity. I’m used to getting junk mail, so I didn’t see this one coming. The e-mail was simply titled, “I Hate Women.” I honestly thought it was a joke from some guy who wasn’t having any luck with the ladies and spending his ample free time pointing out the differences between men and women at the ladies’ expense.

So I opened it. And once it loaded, I saw images that were on some ole’ faces of death, Jeffery Daumer type sh*t. I felt like a police officer who was called out to investigate a loud marital tiff and stumbled upon the Texas Chainsaw Massacre homicide scene.

“Ummm…I’m gonna need some back-up down at the ol’ Jones farm.”

Now, I don’t blink at road kill, I clean the fish I catch, and serving on a jury for a 3 week medical malpractice trial has given me a higher tolerance for the gore of surgery. I don’t consider myself a squeamish person, but these images bothered me. Every mutilated female body was a reminder that there are still individuals who would do something like that and take pleasure in it. They were the type of images that made me want to spend every waking moment studying a martial art so no one would ever be able to do that to me or anyone I care about. I think about individuals like this…and it gets me mad. To the point, I wish that when they die I could choose their hellbound fate. Not saying I’d want to be a demon or anything, but I’d just like a little say in the matter. I’d pick a series of punishments that would replicate the exact emotions that this person inflicted on others…then I’d repeat it…over and over again until his soul wished it could die.

Now, there are three things that bother me about my last statement. (And probably several more things that bother you.) One, there was probably already someone in that person’s life who played a demonic role. Two, the person would probably enjoy the punishment in some twisted ritual of submission. Three, the fact that I’m even fantasizing about this scenario potentially makes me the same as the person I want to punish.

And at the time I was writing this, I hear this on the news.

So, be careful out there….and especially on here.

I’m not the only one who can write a story.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Damn Chris, maybe you should get that looked at.

For the past month my calves have felt like two overstuffed sausages. I’ve been in so much pain that I haven’t been able to strut, so on Friday I went to Beth Israel. Once admitted, I was the poster child for helplessness…the bracelet, the hospital gown, socks, and no drawers….all laid up in bed. I was there for several hours while they ran tests on my heart, liver, and kidneys. I was there for so long that Due to the influx of stabbing victims it was deemed that I could be moved from my comfortably private curtained area to a not so private area…out in the hallway by the public toilets. Well, besides being so close to the facilities I didn’t mind being out in the hall. I sat up in my bed and just watched people. It was like an episode of E.R. except a lot more vomiting and flushing. And I wasn’t the only patient who was lying out there. They brought in a middle-aged woman who was “obviously on dem things” and I watched her zone in and out of conversations and consciousness for several hours. Finally, after 10 hours the doctor came over to me (at first I thought he had to use the bathroom again), told me my blood tests came back fine, my x-rays were fine, he has no idea what’s going on with my legs, but he was willing to prescribe me something for the pain. Pointing at the middle-aged woman I said, “I hope it’s not the same thing she had.”

Sitting at work all day sometimes leaves my muscles a little tight, so when the doctor released me I wasn’t surprised that after ten hours I could barely walk. The pain was unimaginable and I slowly started to make my way past the middle-aged woman on my way out the E.R. Without warning she emerged from what I thought was near death and grabbed my arm. Shocked, I looked at her and said, “Ummm…I don’t work here.”

“Oh….do you have any gum or a mint?”, she asked.

“No, I wish I did. I’ve been here all day and I haven’t had anything to eat or drink.”, I replied.

She looked at me, then looked in the distance as if she was trying to figure out the calculations of a complex plan and asked, “Well, can you go down to the cafeteria and get me a slice of pizza?”

And I gave her a look that said, “A slice of pizza?!!! Lady, I can barely walk! And you want me to go down all those stairs and back up so I can bring your strung out @ss a slice a pizza?!! And on top of all that I don’t see any money in your hand! Is my reward for torturing myself on six flights of stairs gonna be the chance to dig in my pocket and pull out two beans to pay for your slice?! With my luck by the time I make it back upstairs you’ll be going into convulsions and I’ll be out two bucks with a cold slice of pizza in my hands. And let me play devil’s advocate for a second…say I did have the physical ability to make it to the cafeteria. I’M STARVING! Don’t you think I would have at least already have gotten myself something to eat?!!!!”

She dropped my arm like a rotten fish, turned away, and said, “Hmmpf”

I limped away and muttered, “Damn crackheads.”

>:( -official mad grill

Monday, June 21, 2004

Wanna hear a secret?

When I was around 10 years old I and I heard my first rap song….and believe it or not I didn’t like it. I can’t remember who it was, but I know I wasn’t feelin’ it. Coming from an era of bouncy Disco records it felt like these former sequence sequin laden rollerskaters turned MCs weren’t singing…but just speaking to me. It was like a stranger on the train slowly leaning over and whispering in my ear, awkward and intrusive. More importantly, compared to the soulful classics my parents had nourished me with, it sounded extremely half-hearted and amateurish.

One summer night I was lying in bed listening to the radio. I was still young enough where after 10pm my @ss was confined to the house, but old enough where my imagination would bounce off of the four walls until it flew over the horizon. So, with my headphones on, I usually explored the offerings of the dial until I fell asleep. Just before I fell into a deep sleep the college radio station I had settled down with must have switched it’s playlist because I was suddenly startled by an uninvited presence in the form of a scratchy intro. It was the stranger from the train and he had found his way into my bedroom. Although this time he didn’t try to whisper in my ear. He spoke in a tone that commanded me to wake up from my half asleep state of consciousness. He didn’t waste time speaking in the traditional, “Hippity hop…I like soda pop.” slang that I had heard and shunned in the past. This time he spoke with authority…in simple short rhythmic phrases that when put together painted a complex picture. That night, while sitting in the darkness, I was taken on a 15 minute trip (early on, the average length of a Hip Hop song was 10 – 15 minutes, no hooks or chorus) through different worlds, lives, and emotions. When I came back I asked myself, “Who is this?” The stranger answered, “Oh, that’s my homeboy. Grandmaster Melle Mel.” Seeing that he had now peaked the interest of a young eleven-year-old, the stranger sat on the side of my bed, gently put his hand on the back of my head, and continued to do what had originally made me turn away from him. He continued speaking to me.

As my summer nights, cooled, then iced over I continued spending time with this stranger and listened. Soon the way he wore his white Kangol, a traditional conservative golfer’s cap, did not appear odd to me….but “Fresh”. And the more he spoke, the larger he grew. So, it’s not surprising that I began to look up to him. As I got to know his character I was amazed by his creative spirit and his ability to make something out of what most would consider nothing. Though him I witnessed Genesis as he gave the urban decay a renewed heartbeat. He would just walk into a room, and all eyes followed him, then they followed his movements….graceful and fluid, as if he was not bound to the mortal laws of gravity. And just when they thought his legwork could be mimicked he would switch direction and leave his followers on spinning the Boom, and searching for the Bap. His motions also bled through his penmanship. Every stroke in his black book was well-constructed thought but appeared spontaneous and free-flowing. These strokes became a colorful reflection of his personality and a window to his fears, struggles, and dreams. His markings were too beautiful to be contained in a book, so they grew from the dark subway tunnels to the tallest rooftops over the skyline as they reached for their spot in the sun. Yes, in case you can’t tell he made an impression me. I even secretly fell in love with several women that were attracted to him. But through all of his great qualities what I admired most about him remained the way he spoke to me…. unbridled, relentless, and unapologetic. He challenged anyone with a preconceived notion of who he was and filled the air with articulate blends of regional slang mixed with complex multi-syllable, nouns, verbs and adjectives. I could imagine that when he sat down to write every word in the Thesaurus would raise it’s hand and say, “Oooooh, Oooooh, pick me next! I mean the exact same thing as the next one. But he’s a sucka, and I sound dope!” Words were his weapon and he was a marksman who left few to challenge him twice. He was rebellious, confident, respected, and the undisputed king of wherever his suede Puma touched ground. He was also everything this awkward, buck toothed, pre-teen was not. So, over time I began to search my neighborhood for abandoned refrigerator boxes and doing acrobatics that would probably land me in the hospital today, practicing my penmanship outside of the classroom, taking beatings for ruining my fathers albums, and wearing a white kangol (tilted slightly to the side) as it became my mission to become everything he represented. I was already a boy, but now I was determined to earn a "B-" and add it to the forefront of my title.

I have more to say...but I have other things that need to be said. I'll be back.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Blah, blah, blah.

Sometimes people ask me if I've ever considered writing for a living. I tell them, "No, because professional writers have to write even when they don't want to." (plus I rely on Word's spell and grammar check WAY too much)

Akrobatik said it best.

"It's easy to write a joint from the heart. When every muthaf*ckin' thing around me is fallin' apart."

Not sayin' there's anything wrong...but there's a lot of truth in that statement. I like to write when I have something to say and I just don't really feel like writing today, or even thinking for that matter. I'm tired. This was a long week of being me. (bka The Sarcastic Vigilante.) I just want to hang this cape up, go out for dolo, and forget who I am for a while.

So as the title says...blah, blah, blah.

This is my version of filler.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I guess I'm on a soapbox today.

At first I was a little hesitant to write about this, but then I came to the conclusion that whoever reads my page has the intelligence (wit all dem' big wordz I be usin') not to support this…therefore if I write about it I wouldn’t be promoting it.

With that said…

For a thousand dollars and a pair of concert tickets would you enter the Smackfest?

Honestly, we are a beautiful people with an equally beautiful culture but sometimes we just plain show our @sses.

>:( official mad grill.

Who wants one of these in their body?

That's not wood they're screwin' into.

Take a swarm of those new mini-motorcycles (or as I like to call them….circus bikes) and combine that with a population of youth who are known for reckless jay-walking and general disregard for traffic safety and you get one potentially deadly summer. One of these little Ruff Ryderz almost ended up under the front of my car yesterday after trying to “pop-a-wheelie” in the middle of traffic. Now I know this kid and he barely has the coordination to make a lay-up without twisting his ankle. Who the hell made him think he could he could hop on a high-speed machine and start bustin’ out tricks? Are they selling matching do-rags and throwbacks with the promise of X-Games talent these days? I have a feeling that come September they’ll be quite a few more make-shift telephone pole memorials and the motto will be changed to “Ride AND Die”.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Sometimes my sense of humor works against me.

Well, I'd say about 8 out of 10 times it does. There's this older lady I work with that I have brief conversations with from time to time. Today she asked me why I was limping. I told her I hurt my ankle when I tried to jump off of a piano and grab a chandelier during bar fight in the Combat Zone. (A section of Boston known for immoral business practices and seedy behavior.)

*sound of crickets chirping*

She looked at me with both horror and bewilderment and kept that expression long after I told her I was only kidding and the real cause of my ailment. I limped away with my tail between my legs while I heard another coworker ask her, "How did he hurt his leg?"

"I'm not sure.", she responded.

Ahhhh, witty bastard. That's gonna do your image around the office wonders.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I just want to go home.

I was up all last night dreading the dogfight I was about to get into with my local building inspector this morning. After several negative experiences with this guy and two weeks worth of unreturned phone calls I was anticipating a “that’s-the-last-straw, bridge-burning, I-better-not-see-you-round-da-way”, type of confrontation. Well, I was wrong. Although, he did not return my “Good morning” pleasantries, I remained persistent and he was surprisingly mild-mannered, agreeable, and helpful. For the first time I walked out of the Inspectional Services office and felt like I got something accomplished.

Ever see the movie Falling Down? Well, as of this moment the sequel is on hold.

Monday, June 14, 2004

In a nutshell.

  1. I don’t own an X-Box or PlayStation, but I’ve spent over two decades and thousands of dollars within the arcades of Chinatown and the Back Bay. I’ve paid too many dues to be rocked on anybody’s little game. Yeah, he’s my boy, but I’m quick to spank that tons-of-sh*t-talkin’, every-game-ever-made-havin’, excuse-about-the-control-not-workin’, ego…while eating his girl’s cooking and drinking his beer. No love….that’s how I do. Those Asian middle school kids never had any love for me.

  2. Nothin’ like a carnival in the ghetto. After seeing all of the people that will come out for the promise of a $20.00 – two dollar stuffed animal you start to realize Carnie Folk really aren’t all that strange. It looked like graffiti characters had come to life.

  3. There is this free local paper I pick up every week to keep up on what’s going on in the neighborhood. Didn’t I see these crackheads selling this paper for a buck a pop…. right next to the free newspaper box? And people were buying it! Damn, I’m in the wrong business.

  4. How did I go from being a part time project consultant to fulltime project leader? I guess I’m not good at ignoring dropped balls when they roll past my feet.

  5. At first I thought this movie about my neighborhood was gonna be garbage, but I was surprised to find out it wasn't half bad. Not great, but not bad.

  6. Give me any prehistoric animal that's been found frozen in the Artic, some charcoal and a grill….and I can make it taste good.

  7. My legs have been killing me for about a month. Every morning I wake up with bruises as if someone had hit me with a hammer, but I can’t seem to identify how I’ve hurt them. Last week I decided to take a friend’s advice and limp my sorry @ss to the doctor.

  8. My primary care doctor mainly caters to the gay community. Every once and a while I’ll run into someone I know from college in her office and they’ll give me that look like, “Oh, my God….Chris….you?!!” Ummm…no, dog…

  9. My doctor’s assistant giggled when I told her my fears of having blood clots or some sort of poisoning and having to get my money-makers amputated. Then she gave me a pack of ice and prescribed me regular over the counter Tylenol.

  10. This weekend while up on a ladder I was extending myself to paint the far corner of a wall and I realized that I had been pressing my legs up against the metal steps of the ladder to stabilize myself. I had been doing this for months.

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Of my father telling me to be careful with his records.

Of my mother in a beautiful dress and smelling of perfume.

Of my father laughing with strangers in the living room, holding drinks.

Of my mother telling me I had no rhythm and I better get back in bed.

For very person that passes a part of the culture leaves with them.


What'd I say...

How does someone reach the age of fifty, have several college degrees, and obtain a 100k plus position without having learned the fundamental principals taught in kindergarten?

Ok, I’m using a public facility (that shall remain nameless)….doin’ my thing. Someone else is there in the stall….doin’ their thing. After a hot minute he finishes, walks over to the sink, leans forward, brushes his hair to the side, scrapes something off his front tooth….then just walks out the door.

Ummm…did you forget something?

Well, maybe I’m being too hasty in my judgment. Highly successful individuals probably don’t “do their thing” the way the rest of us do. It’s probably released in an ultra sanitized pouch in their choice of scent, Summer Rain or Boysenberry, thus eliminating the need for post-disposal clean up and the general messiness associated with it. I think a French doctor can do the procedure for the price of a small yacht. It’s the perfect gift for that corporate multi-tasker on the go.

Yeah, right.

From now on I’m walking around with a little can of Lysol and hittin’ everything up before I touch it. No joke.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My laptop has three plug in ports for audio while only one of them is for headphone use. Every once and a while I'll plug into the wrong port, like today for instance. I sat down, got set to work, put on my headphones, then unknowingly blasted a freestyle with a ridiculously insane amount of curses throughout my office.

Oh for the love of sweet Pete...that's not gonna be good.

It's a good thing only a few people come in as early as I do. Still, I need to start keeping my office door closed...or switch to some easy listening.


*closing door*

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Dear Reader,


The comment function of my blog is now open for business. As the days go by you might notice that no one really leaves their comments. I want to assure you it is not because no one reads my blog or I don’t have any friends. On the contrary, I am extremely popular and everyone loves me. My blog has more worldwide readers than the New York Times and is translated into 32 different languages. Sometimes people even stop me on the street and say, “Hey!!!! Aren’t you MisterChris? Oh my God….it’s you…this is the best day of my life!!!!! You are exactly the same in person as you are in your writing….drunk!!!” And women…fo’gettaboutit. They just run up on me wherever I’m at with exotic elixirs and invitations to the paradise of pornographic pleasure. They just can’t seem to get enough of the C-man. And really now….can you blame them? That’s like tellin’ a fish not to drink the water. Man, I was just tellin’ Stacy Dash to chill the other day. I was like, “Stacy, honey….you gotta relax. This blog thing is not the end-all-be-all of our existence. I’ll write about you one day. Of course, I enjoyed the cheese eggs….what man wouldn’t? But there’s a lot of things I don’t write about.” Anyway, back to why you won’t find any comments on my blog. Well, I attribute it to most people being star struck, flabbergasted, or both. Popularity is a double-edged sword. If you don’t believe me let me ask you this….how can someone with testimonials like these not be America’s favorite guy?

The Testimonials:

“I should have never introduced Stacy Dash to Chris. My life with Marc has been so pale in comparison.”
- Jennifer Lopez

“I’m MisterChris!!! B*tch!!!!”
- Dave Chapelle

“Chris is like the life of every party….all rolled up into a drunk, judgmental, verbally abusive, ball of anger.”
- Some jerk at the party

“Now that’s a guy who really has a way with the ladies.”
- Hugh Heffner

“My only regret is not having had experienced and night out with the C-man.”
- Ronald Regan

“If everyone would get in touch with that little Chris inside us, the world would be a much better place.”
- Oprah Winfrey

“I’m not sure who this ‘MisterChris’ is….but this sunova b*tch sounds like a one f*ckin’ hellava guy.”
- Bill Cosby

Oh my…..and the list goes on.

So, in conclusion do not judge a man by the size of the comments in his blog, judge him by the truthfulness and virtue of morality in his words.

Thank you….my cherished reader…..and God Bless.


Monday, June 07, 2004

What's up with everyone hugging me lately? I've been working with this woman over the phone for the past month and we met for the first time today. At the end of the meeting I go for a handshake and she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a "Hey Buddy" with extended forearm lock and rub on the back.

It felt like my grandmother had entered her body for a second.

People are getting weird.